Many hats.
One heart.
Hi! I’m Melissa.
I’m a multidisciplinary artist, entrepreneur, and changemaker based in California—a passionate polymath forever locked in an internal battle between the creative and the logical. Whether you stumbled here through a rabbit hole, know me from a past project, or perhaps enjoyed (hopefully) some of my creative work, I’m so honored you’re here. Welcome to my little corner of the internet.
To create is to live twice
I tell stories through sound, motion, paint, and pen to illuminate the human condition in hopes that others will feel less alone. “To create is to live twice,” said Albert Camus, and through my art, I can transcend time and connect with others by expressing our shared emotions and experiences. On the right are some of the creative pursuits I dabble in.
Growth and Comfort Do Not Coexist
Entrepreneurship, an often volatile but exhilarating pursuit, is in my blood. I co-founded my first company right out of college. Since then, I’ve founded several more including a startup consultancy, a digital communication firm, and most recently, a video tech company. Ginny Rometti, OneTen Co-Chair & former CEO and chairman of IBM once quipped, “growth and comfort do not coexist.” Man, do I agree!

I believe in producing more than I consume, giving more than I take, and in the spirit of Tikkun Olam ( תִּיקּוּן עוֹלָם), striving to repair the world. I’ve committed myself to giving through time, talent and treasure and reap the emotional rewards daily. It is my greatest honor to help others thrive, and in doing so, I honor those who’ve invested selflessly in me.