Your Tax Dollars at Work

Good news! After 7+ days of work stoppage and much needless haggling with the city, we finally got our electrical permit. Gotta love those tax dollars at work..

With permit in hand, things are back in action in the making of Worldwide Headquarters. We hope to have an inspection today or tomorrow which would then allow drywall to begin. This is when it will really start to feel like an office. Fingers crossed. 

In the mean time, framing has begun on the interior windows, which will allow some excellent light to pass into our conference room and brainstorm lounge.

And you can see that the ceiling cleanup is almost complete and ready for a coat of paint.

Speaking of which, I have been on a first name basis with the Home Depot paint department. You should have seen the look on their faces when I asked for 15 different test colors. Not a happy look.

Any idea what this is for?


Picking Up Speed


β€œRough In” Tumble