My writing often spills out during times of change—joyous, sad, ambivalent. Sometimes it's an essay, other times a poem. If something resonates with you, good or bad, I hope you'll let me know.

Art Melissa Jordan Grey Art Melissa Jordan Grey

A Quick Chat with Melissa Jordan Grey

I had the great honor of writing for and performing in the San Diego Memoir Writer’s Association’s 2021 San Diego Memoir Showcase at the Conrad Performing Arts Center.

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Life, Art Melissa Jordan Grey Life, Art Melissa Jordan Grey

A Walk in the Park

Somewhere in the assembly process, God forgot my neck. Crew necks fit like turtle necks, and turtle necks come up to my chin. God failed to give me a button nose, too. It’s more like a proboscis. A perfect word, prrrrrrrrobosssssssscis. Long, unwieldy, and uncouth.

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Art Melissa Jordan Grey Art Melissa Jordan Grey

Q&A with Melissa Jordan Grey

I had the great honor of writing for and performing in the San Diego Memoir Writer’s Association’s 2021 San Diego Memoir Showcase at the Conrad Performing Arts Center.

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