The “Boo-zhay”

Drywall is complete! As we wait for the moisture to dissipate so that painting can begin, work continues on the conference room barn doors and framing for the interior glass.

Since a high-end barn door was out of the budget (pronounced “boo-zhay”), architect Don Vanderpool came up with a clever work around using a standard birch door and a router. Once it’s stained, you’ll hardly know it wasn’t solid wood.

In the meantime, our driveway has become a paint workshop. We’re customizing generic $49 Home Depot shop lights with a little red paint:

Ta da!

And can you guess what this is for?

Time will tell. :)

So, who figured out the purpose of the giant phone receiver from eBay? Perhaps this will help…

We’re inching closer to a very cool home


Humming Right Along…


Picking Up Speed